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A Senior's Manifesto

Opinion: My stupid opinions

Opinion: We should be thankful

Opinion: Identity Politics is a Mess

Opinion: On Smartphone addiction and education

Opinion: A quick reminder that we agree on everything

Opinion: A Straight (half-white) male explains the gender pay gap

Opinion: My thoughts on gun control

Smash tournament is a smashing success

The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe takes the stage

Powder Puff kicks off the start of homecoming week

Students analyze summer reading in school-wide book talk

Opinion: My culture is most-likely your prom dress

Opinion: I'm burnt out and dead inside

Opinion: Steve1989MREInfo is the best

Opinion: How you should argue for abortion (part 1, probably)

Opinion: Why banning Alex Jones could be a mistake

Opinion: On the death of journalism

Opinion: Why I (probably) shouldn't be able to vote

ASB elections bring passionate campaigns

Carlmont fights the flu

Canned food drive creates giving spirit

North Bay fires smoke out campus activities

Carlmont reacts to new s-wing

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